Who Is Pieper Lewis?

Pieper Lewis was the one who was raped and at that time she was only 15 years old. Pieper is as of now 17 years old and she is now sentenced to five years in jail with an order to pay 150,000 to the family members of the rapist she murdered. The murder was committed in 2020 and the case came into the limelight after the trials in 2021. It was also been revealed that if Pieper tries to violate the charge or the probation, she could be jailed for over 20 years. The sentence was passed on Tuesday at the Polk County District by Judge David M Porter. As per the sentence and the judgments passed on, Pieper will be given a residential facility but she should and must wear a tracking device.

Why Pieper Lewis Was Sentenced For 5 Years In Jail?

While passing the judgment Judge Porter said to the teen that the coming five years will be difficult for her and will be full of rules that she might disagree with. He also added that this is the chance that she has been asking and he warned the teen there will be no other chance again. As per the sources, there is a Go Fund Me page that was launched for Pieper by one of his teachers and until now it has collected over 300,000 dollars overnight on Wednesday. Pieper said in a statement that she prepared and said that she burned her spirit but it still glows and the flames are high. She added that everyone will see her glow and grow as well. She also added that she is a survivor and that she will glow through it.

Who Was Zachary Brooks?

Pieper was a person who used to live in the hallway and she was abducted and trafficked by many sex workers. The person she murdered was Zachary Brooks, 37, who was also one among the ones who were trafficking her and Zachary raped Pieper multiple times. Pieper murdered and stabbed Zachary more than 30 times in June 2020. Although Pieper murdered Zachary she committed her crime and said that she was not intended to kill him, but at the moment she felt like something was not right and she felt not so safe. She also said that a crime was committed and she cannot deny it.


Who Was Zachary Brooks From Iowa  A USA Teenager Pieper Lewis Killed Her Rapist Sentenced   Order To Pay  150k  - 67Who Was Zachary Brooks From Iowa  A USA Teenager Pieper Lewis Killed Her Rapist Sentenced   Order To Pay  150k  - 67Who Was Zachary Brooks From Iowa  A USA Teenager Pieper Lewis Killed Her Rapist Sentenced   Order To Pay  150k  - 53Who Was Zachary Brooks From Iowa  A USA Teenager Pieper Lewis Killed Her Rapist Sentenced   Order To Pay  150k  - 29