Elijah Daniel DeWitt Funeral Services

And a Funeral service will be happening on 12th of October. He was only 18 years old and now other 18 year old of suspect Kemare Bryan of Lawrenceville was recently apprehended by the local police. And another 19-year-old Chandler Zion Richardson was arrested in South Carolina and they are going to face charges of murder and assault. The full family of The Young footballer is really sad and they never thought it would come to this. Forever Living happily with each other and he was a really lovely human being.

Elijah Daniel DeWitt Death Cause

Gun violence is not a new thing in America and hundreds of students have already become victims. Everybody is asking questions about the government regarding the allowance of weapons to youngsters and they don’t know what to do with that. Loud sounds of gun shooting 12 year old during the incident and everybody was running for their lives fortunately, there were no more injuries. He was immediately taken to the nearest hospital but his life could not be saved.

What Happened With Elijah Daniel DeWitt?

Who never argued with anyone. He was making his family proud and was looking towards a successful professional career in the upcoming years and he had a dream to play college football for his favourite team. The motivation behind this murder is still unknown and go fund page was a setup to provide financial aid and assistance to the family. We will be back with some more information until then stay tuned to our website for more updates/


Who Was Elijah Daniel DeWitt   Death Reason  Jefferson Teen Shot   Killed At Mall  Funeral Services Announced  - 51Who Was Elijah Daniel DeWitt   Death Reason  Jefferson Teen Shot   Killed At Mall  Funeral Services Announced  - 99Who Was Elijah Daniel DeWitt   Death Reason  Jefferson Teen Shot   Killed At Mall  Funeral Services Announced  - 67Who Was Elijah Daniel DeWitt   Death Reason  Jefferson Teen Shot   Killed At Mall  Funeral Services Announced  - 93